Events: Plant Promotion Days
On the first Sunday of each month (from April to September) our Plant Promotion Days will be an opportunity for you to find out more
about a specially curated group of plants, those looking good for
the time of year or themed to a particular style of gardening.
The selected plants will be available for one day only
at 20% less than our usual retail price.
Top 10 plants for Spring
Sunday 21st April 10.00 - 16.00
Ajuga reptans - Bugle
Armeria maritima - Thrift
Brunnera macrophylla
Convolvulus cneorum - Silverbush
Echium candicans - Pride of Madeira
Erigeron karvinskianus - Mexican Fleabane
Euphorbia robbiae - Wood Spurge
Pulsatilla vulgaris - Pasque Flower
Rosemarinus Miss Jessopp's Upright
Silene uniflora - Sea Campion
NB It may be necessary to change plant selections at short notice.
Top 10: Chelsea Flower Show
Sunday 5th May 10.00 - 16.00
Crambe maritima - Sea Kale
Geranium Rozanne
Geum Totally Tangerine
Iris - bearded
Lazula nivea - Snowy Wood-rush
Libertia grandiflora - Satin Flower
Melianthus major - Honey Bush
Salvia nemorosa Caradonna - Balkan Clary
Stipa gigantea - Golden Oats
NB It may be necessary to change plant selections at short notice.
Top 10 Plants For Summer
Sunday 2nd June 10.00 - 16.00
Acanthus mollis - Bear's Breeches
Astrantia - Masterwort
Cephalaria gigantea - Giant Scabious
Echium pininana - Tree Echium
Eryngium - Sea Holly
Lychnis coronaria - Rose campion
Leucanthemum - Shasta Daisy
Nepeta Junior Walker - Catnip
Oenothera Apricot Delight - Evening Primrose
Phlomis russeliana - Turkish Sage
Stachys byzantina
NB It may be necessary to change plant selections at short notice.
Top 10 Drought Tolerant
Sunday 4th August 10.00 - 16.00
Convolvulus cneorum - Silver bush
Erigeron karvinkianus - Mexican Fleabane
Eryngium - Sea Holly
Gaura The Bride - Beeblossom
Pennisetum macrourum
Romneya coulteri - Californian Tree Poppy
Stipa tenuissima - Mexican Feather Grass
Verbena bonariensis - Purpletop Vervain
Verben officianalis Bampton
​NB It may be necessary to change plant selections at short notice.
Top 10 Plants For Autumn
Sunday 15th September 10.00 - 16.00
Anemone x hybrida - Japanese anemone
Euryops pectinatus - Grey-leaved Euryops
Geranium Wargrave Pink
Geum Mrs Bradshaw
Liriope muscari - Lily Turf
Miscanthus - Silvergrass
Salvia uliginosa - Bog sage
Pennisetum Red Head
NB It may be necessary to change plant selections at short notice.