Open Days

Building on the success of previous fundraising and other events, this year the nursery will be the venue for six themed Open Days. On the third Sunday of each month, from April to September, local artists and craftspeople, gardeners and local business people will be at the nursery to answer your questions, demonstrate what they do and
be part of The Coastal Gardener community.
If you're interested in taking participating in these events and promoting your business,
please contact Gerry at thecoastalgardener@icloud.com
Sunday 7th April
Sunday 19th May
Sunday 23rd June
Forget-Me-Not Fundraising event
for Admiral Nurses/Dementia UK
Sunday 18th Aug
Fundraising Event for
Sunday 1st Sept
Artists In The Garden
We are in the process of confirming who will be at our Open Days. The information below will be updated regularly to include new exhibitors. Click on underlined title for further info.

Forget-Me-Not Sunday 23rd June 10.00 - 16.00 Free Entry
Fundraising event for Admiral Nurses/Dementia UK
Please join us to raise awareness of and funds for Dementia UK, Admiral Nurse appeal - all funds raised for Island care.
Strictly Hand Dyed Yarns
Karen Watkin textiles
LuciaPara Art & illustration
Charlotte Hodge-Thomas art
Nature Therapy CIC
Alice Holley - Books
Wild Florist Wild
Steve Price - Guitar

Mind, Body, Soul Sunday 19th May 10.00 - 16.00 Free Entry
An opportunity for you to meet some of my favourite Isle of Wight businesses and people providing advice, products and opportunities to enhance your well-being.
Soap and Anchor
Beachwood Yoga with Tanya Handy
Mindful Gardening with The Coastal Gardener
Meditation with Stephanie Williams
Nature Therapy CIC
Island Craftworks
Isle of Wight Mushroom Culture

Get into Gardening Sunday 7th April 10.00 - 16.00 Free Entry
An opportunity for you to meet some of my favourite Isle of Wight garden related businesses and people.
Blade Runner IOW Tool Sharpening Services
G.I.V.E (Green Island Veg Initiative)
Wight Willow Landscaping
Lucia Para Art & Illustration
Coastal Gardener Volunteers
Victoriana Lanes - Gardenalia & Decorative Salvage
Workshops & Courses
​Wilder Wight Communities Project